Do you feel like you want to do it ALL during the holiday season? Most of us do. We try to stuff too much into our schedules, racing around to stores and parties and friends
and relatives, wanting to see everyone and do everything, trying to serve the perfect meals, searching high and low for the perfect gifts, afraid to miss out for even a minute. That would be fine, except it's not possible to do EVERYTHING without getting exhausted. During the holidays, it's easy to overfill our calendars, making our schedules so tight that we end up without a moment to spare. And then when something unexpected happens, there's no time left to deal with it. Talk about stress! There has to be a better way -- and there is.
Slow Down. If you try to do everything, you'll end up racing against the clock. That will wear you down -- and get in the way of your being able to fully experience the beauty of the holiday season. All those precious moments that are the essence of the holidays may slip by unnoticed if you are too tired to notice. This year, if you're tempted to do too much, try slowing down instead and focusing on the things that are most important to you and your family. Give yourself the gift of time to savor the things that bring you and your loved ones closer and create memories that you will share for many years to come.
Set Priorities. The key to enjoying the holiday season without excess stress is to simplify your plans. Whenever you are tempted to take on too much, remember that there is beauty in simplicity. First, sort out what is most important to you and what you may be able to drop. Identify the top three things that you care about doing the most. Promise yourself you will give these things your full time and attention. Then look at what you can eliminate from your schedule. Are you doing things out of habit that no longer have much meaning for you? Are there any parties or other events you are invited to that you could skip this year without feeling like you were missing out? If you are shopping in crowded stores, consider shopping online instead. This will save you both time and money, and let you avoid the hassles of dealing with traffic, the crowds, the frustration of not being able to find what you want, standing on line at the cash register, and packing up and mailing gifts. If you are making a holiday meal, consider whether less could be more. Unless you love to cook, you might be better off preparing a simple meal, rather than trying to go all-out with elaborate new recipes and more side dishes than people can comfortably eat. Use the time and energy you save from these avoidable hassles to put more energy into your top three priorities.
Stay Calm Under Pressure. Even if you prioritize wisely, you may still find yourself feeling overwhelmed at times. Here's a simple trick that will provide quick emotional first aid: Tune into your body. Are you feeling tense? Are the muscles in your shoulders, neck, or jaw tight? If so, let the tension go. Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. If you are standing, notice how the floor feels beneath your feet. If you are sitting, place the palm of your hand on your desk or chair, and notice how that feels. This simple exercise can quickly change the way you feel, helping you feel grounded and calm. Repeat it as often as necessary throughout the day whenever you feel frazzled.
Do One Thing at a Time. Multitasking is vastly overrated. Our brains work best when we focus on one thing at a time. Be present in the moment. Don't think about what's next on your to-do list. Give your full attention to whatever you are doing now.
Stay Organized. Leaving things to the last minute and then getting into a frantic rush is a major cause of holiday stress. You can avoid that by trying to get as much as possible done early. If you've simplified your plans, you will have less to do, so it will be easier to get things done sooner. Think about the goals that you identified on your priority list, then working backwards from those goals, list all the tasks you need to do to make those goals happen. Estimate the time each task will take and allow yourself twice the time you estimated! That will give you a large cushion of extra time in case your estimate was low and may also give you time to relax and revitalize yourself between chores.

Create Beautiful Memories. In the end, the most important things you can do during the holiday season are share special moments with your family and friends and create memories that you will treasure forever. By slowing down and enjoying yourself, you will be able to fully appreciate and remember every moment of sharing and joy.