Now that 2017 is well on its way, it's time to check in on those New Year's resolutions you made back in January. How are they coming along? If getting fit and losing some excess weight was one of your goals, this is the time of year when many people struggle to stick with the promises they made a few months ago.
If you're floundering, a fitness tracker could be just the thing you need to get re-focused and back on track. Best of all, you don't have to spend a single dime on a Fitbit or a fancy app for your phone. Free Fitness Tracking The United States Department of Agriculture — the same group that brings you the "My Plate" graphics to figure out how many items from each food group you should eat — has developed a free online program called the SuperTracker. The program works online from your computer, or you can download a free app for iPhone or Android to get started. Once you create an account profile, you have access to all kinds of data that will track your diet and fitness goals and provide a wealth of information to help you make healthy choices. The app's benefits include the following:
- Food-A-Pedia: Look up the nutritional stats for over 8,000 different foo
d items. You can compare and contrast meals to make the best choice based on calories and other nutritional information
- My Weight Manager: Keep track of your daily or weekly weigh-ins to see how you're progressing toward your weight loss goals over time. You can also access advice about managing your weight for good health.
- Food Tracker: Log in to enter the type and amount of food you ate for each meal to instantly see our total calorie count. You can also see if you're meeting your nutritional needs over the course of the day by comparing your intake to the USDA's recommendations.
- Top 5 Goals: Everyone has a different focus when it comes to fitness. Choose your main objectives to receive personalized advice for how best to reach your goals. These tips are powerful motivators and offer practical help to keep you on track.
- Physical Activity Tracker: Enter your physical activities for each to day to keep an exercise journal. You'll be able to keep track of total calories burned, steps taken, and monitor your weekly fitness goals to see if you're moving enough each day to stay healthy.
- Group Challenges: Designate a group leader and get family and friends in on new fitness challenges and goals. It's easier to feel motivated when you know your loved ones are in it with you, so try this fun feature to get everyone involved. Having an app to keep a journal of your progress and to help you measure how your diet and exercise match up with your desired outcomes is a great way to streamline the process of getting into good physical shape. With the SuperTracker, you can keep a close eye on your progress for free, so what do you have to lose? Put technology to work for you and start getting in shape today — without breaking the bank.