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Auto & Travel

Ready for a Road Trip? Get the Most out of Every Gallon

Posted by Century Marketing on April 03, 2017

Are you planning a summer getaway? Is your mode of travel by car? If so, you might want to take an inventory of your driving habits to save as much money on fuel as possible.


Slow Down. Aggressive driving such as speeding, quick acceleration and rapid braking, can waste gas. According to the United States Department of Energy, simply slowing down could lower your gas mileage by 33% at highway speeds and by 5% around town. In addition, it is good to keep in mind that each 5-mph you drive above 50-mph, is equivalent to paying an additional 17 cents per gallon of gas.

Brake Less And Coast More. Be alert for slowdowns and red lights ahead. When possible, decrease speed by coasting rather than braking.

Lighten Your Load. Heavier vehicles use more gas. Prior to your trip, be sure to remove any unnecessary items in the passenger compartment, trunk or cargo areas.

Check Your Tire Pressure. Proper tirepressure levels can help you save money on gas mileage. Be sure to read your owner’s manual or look for a sticker typically located on the driver’s side door jamb for suggested tire pressure levels.

Check The Air And Fuel Filters. Dirty filters can increase fuel consumption and cause poor performance overall.

Use Apps. Gas Buddy can help you find the cheapest gas nearest you and also allows you to search for gas by location. Another option that might help is the Roadtrip Gas Calculator for iPhone and iPad. You can use this app to estimate the cost of your next road trip by inputting the current average gas price, your vehicle average miles-per-gallon rating and your trip distance.



Topics: Auto & Travel