Once you get out of college, student loans are going to be due, which means you might be struggling to pay for housing, groceries, transportation costs and more. Being able to survive those first few years may be stressful, but you could reduce that stress by creating a budget.
Adjusting to Post College Life
Free Options to Help You Cut the Cord
The average spending per cable subscriber is approximately $85 a month, according to USA Today. For satellite television subscribers this spikes even higher to $100 a month. Even if you spend significantly below average, these costs can still be crippling if you're trying to avoid credit card debt.
Small Changes Yield Big Results
For someone who is already living frugally, finding more money to put into savings or pay down credit card debt can feel impossible. Yet sometimes all it takes is a series of small changes to add up to big savings.
A Plan for Your Future Begins Today
The money you have today will shape what your tomorrow will be. As tempting as it can be to indulge and as frustrating as unplanned expenses can be, there are really no...
3 Side Hustles that Make Sense
As you finetune your budget and save all you can, you may still find that the money just does not stretch as far as you need. If you are still struggling to pay the bills after...
Simple Tips to Earn a Bigger 2019 Tax Return
Most of you have probably just wrapped up your 2018 taxes, hopefully with a welcome tax return. Instead of forgetting about taxes until next April, you might focus....
Navigating Financial Outpatient Care
There’s a new phenomenon that’s been sweeping the nation for a while now. This phenomenon has been called “financial outpatient care.” It’s a trend where grown children, often in their late 20s or 30s, are turning to their parents for financial support as they struggle to reach financial stability.
Tax Season - A Fact of Life
Tax season...Some people may look forward to it but for others taxes can be frustrating, stressful and downright intimidating. No matter how you feel about taxes, they are a fact of life.
Staying on Budget with a Baby
A tiny baby on the way can mean big changes are also on the way when it comes to your budget. With some planning, however, you can prepare for changes and minimize unexpected expenses. The truth is, infants don’t actually need a lot of stuff.
Start 2019 with Savings
After the holidays, we can all use some tips to save. If the holiday season has left you feeling over-budget, take advantage of these ways to cut back in January.