Casey would do anything for her family, especially her children and grandchildren. When her youngest daughter Katie lost her job and she had a newborn at home, Casey gladly opened her home to them. She loved having them both in the house and being able to spend more time with her grandchild. Casey soon discovered that this decision had very real financial ramifications on her budget.

Casey made more than enough money to live comfortably on her own but having two more people in the household, began stretching her budget further and further each month. In order to compensate for this, she started relying heavily on credit cards and personal loans. At the time, Casey would not have had it any other way and didn’t regret being there to support her family.

After a little over 2 years, Casey’s daughter and granddaughter were able to move into a place of their own. Casey was elated that her daughter could support herself again but she realized her own financial situation had taken a large hit. She was nearly $35,000 dollars in credit card and personal loan debt. She knew that with her current income, she would not be able to pay the balances off and making minimum monthly payments was not the answer. She needed help.
A friend mentioned that Century had helped him out of a similar dilemma and Casey made the call. Immediately she knew she was in good hands. “Everybody has been very polite and understanding and their customer service is phenomenal,” said Casey.
Our team walked her through every step of the process, helping her better understand how the program would work and was designed to fit her needs. Casey was thrilled to see our team get to work so fast and start producing results almost immediately. And with those results came the most valuable benefit Century offers: Peace of mind.
"They handled my negotiations and settled all my accounts. Working with them has kept me from having to worry about anything and they have taken care of everything. That eliminated a lot of stress.”
Casey stuck to her program and with her partnership, we have been able to deliver some amazing results. Century was able to save her almost half of the amount she owed, making a much lower monthly payment. With just a few more months and one more account to settle, Casey is on path to becoming debt free by the end of summer. “Century has been wonderful. I’ve never been so satisfied.”
Congratulations on your program success, Casey!
We thank you for trusting us to be a part of your journey toward better financial health and celebrate your diligence in staying with the program to make such great progress!
*We protect the privacy of our clients by changing their names and omitting any identifying details.