Communication is vital to your Century Debt Settlement program’s success and in many cases, when communicating with Century, you will be interacting with a member
of our Customer Experience team (CXE). You can reach the CXE team in variety of ways, including email, phone and Live Chat – now available on your MyCentury portal. If you have not registered for your portal, click here for instructions on how to begin. No matter which method you choose, you will reach a trained and knowledgeable representative ready to assist you with questions or concerns regarding the details of your program along with more urgent matters such as approving pending settlements or handling changes to your upcoming deposits.
It is our belief that you should be treated with respect, as you work toward an admirable goal of financial freedom. We pride ourselves in having a compassionate team that will treat you with dignity, kindness and respect. Each representative genuinely cares about every Century client. Author Tony Robbins once said, “To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” Our team embodies this quote, as we tailor each interaction to meet the individual needs of the client to whom we are speaking. We understand this can be a stressful and difficult time for our clients. As consumers ourselves, many of us have had stressful experiences when reaching out to receive customer service. We treat this journey as a partnership with our clients and set our service standards, as such.
We are always working toward improving the service we deliver and welcome the feedback that our clients’ provide. Football coach Vince Lombardi said, “Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.” We appreciate our clients taking time to complete surveys. We review each comment received and use that feedback to assist us in mapping out the client journey from the client perspective.
We value the partnership established with our clients and believe that partnership is key to every client’s success. Here are a few tips for success, when communicating through our different channels:
- Chat is accessible from your MyCentury portal, which allows
our representatives o provide you live instruction. For example, if we assist you in how to upload a document, we can confirm, during our chat, that the document upload was successful. Most of your program questions and resolutions can be handled using this channel.
- Email is a great way to communicate with us regarding non-urgent matters, especially if you are not able to participate in Live Chat, at that time.
- Phone calls are a good option, when communicating about urgent matters, such as last minute changes to deposits.
The Century Team is ready and willing to support and guide you along your path toward financial freedom. Thank you for selecting us to be your trusted partner on this journey and we look forward to continuing to build our partnership with you.