Is it possible that you have additional unsecured credit card or loan accounts that are not yet enrolled into your debt settlement program?
You may have established new accounts or have forgotten accounts when you originally enrolled the rest of your unsecured accounts into your Century program. If you have one or more of these accounts with a balance over $200, you have an opportunity to maximize your program benefits by adding them to your program without increasing your monthly deposit!
As a partner with you on this journey toward better financial health, it is our responsibility to ensure that you successfully reach your goal. Accounts that are not enrolled in your program, may actually be slowing down the efforts you are making toward your goal.
It’s not too late to add accounts to your Century program. Here’s how we can help:
- Contact your Century Debt Specialist to review these additional
accounts with you,
- They will determine if the accounts are eligible for addition to your program,
- They will then add the new accounts that are eligible and adapt your program if needed, and
- BONUS...Your monthly program deposits will not increase with the new addition(s)!
Exceptions to the Rule: We work diligently to achieve favorable program outcomes for you. Over years of experience being diligent for our clients, we have found that in some cases, it is in your best interest to work directly with certain creditors regarding:
- Medical debt,
- Student loans and
- State or Federal agency related debts.
For more information about adding an account or to get an account added to your Century program, please contact a Certified Debt Specialist via phone at 855-417-6643 or email at Our team appreciates your partnership and looks forward to celebrating your program’s continued successes with you.