If you complain at least once a week that you have no closet space, you're definitely not alone. Most of us struggle with some version of trying to close a door that's under too much pressure from all the stuff behind it.
But before you apply an 'out of sight, out of mind' philosophy because you think you can't afford a trip to Crate & Barrel, check out these budget-friendly solutions. See why these hacks are worth putting into action for more reasons than one.
Get Rid of It If you want more storage, you may need to hold a garage sale or start repurposing items for new uses. (Hint: all those old running T-shirts would make a great patchwork quilt.) Sites like eBay, Poshmark, and Craigslist are full of people waiting to take your old sporting equipment or designer shoes off your hands. If you're not wearing or using something on a monthly (or at least yearly) basis, it's probably time for it to get out of your closet.
Try PVC Pipes
PVC pipes are storage solutions in disguise (and they're inexpensive options at that). When you cut a PVC down into pieces, you can use it anything from a divider in your drawer to a place to store your shoes. Glue curved PVC pipes along your closet wall, and store your glasses, necklaces, and scarves in them. Line them up and place them within a drawer to keep your underwear separate from your socks. You can also glue pieces together, stack them horizontally and vertically, and use the structure to store your shoes.
Buy Tension Rods Tension rods can help with closet organization by keeping all kinds of items in place. You can use one at the top of the closet to hang your hat or multiple tension rods all down the closet to hold your shoes. This is a way to use the entire space rather than just the obvious shelves and floor. If you have smaller spaces in the closet created by partitions, you can also hang rods for smaller items, like jewelry, baby clothes, or scarves. An organized space may not seem related to financial health, but the two are more closely linked than many people realize. The more room you have to breathe, the more likely it is you'll see things for what they are. This kind of clarity goes hand-in-hand with better decisions. These budget-friendly tips not only help you save money in the short-term, they may actually inspire you to make start managing your money a little smarter.