With the warmer months of spring and summer finally upon us, it won't be long before weekend garage sales start to spring up around your neighborhood. For buyers and sellers alike, garage sales provide a great opportunity to either find some incredible

bargains or make some extra cash. Whether you plan on hosting a garage sale this spring/summer or just want to make the most of your budget at your neighborhood garage sales, we've got some tips for you!
Secrets to Hosting a Successful Garage Sale
Looking to get rid of clutter in your home while also making some extra cash in the process? If so, then consider hosting your own garage sale this spring or summer. With a little time and preparation, you can pull off a successful sale that clears out some of that clutter and puts extra money in your pocket that you can save or put towards your Century debt settlement program. Additional funds contributed to your Century program could lead to faster settlements.
Choose Your Dates Carefully. Deciding on the date(s) for your garage sale is one of the first and most important steps you'll want to take. Generally, weekends tend to be the best days to host garage sales, since this is when the majority of people are off work and looking to shop. Time-wise, plan on an all-day ordeal if you want to maximize sales. It may seem odd to open up shop at 6 or 7 in the morning, but you may be surprised at how many "early birds" you'll see shopping at these hours. Having earlier hours is also great for days where you may have rain or other inclement weather putting a damper on your afternoon or evening.
Advertise Plenty. Unless you live off a busy road, you'll need to advertise your garage sale wisely in order to spread the word and generate interest. In the few days leading up to your garage sale, be sure to post signs at busy intersections in your area and around your neighborhood. You might also consider advertising online by posting on neighborhood sites such as Nextdoor.
Price Items Mindfully. While you'll likely get some hagglers during your garage sale, it's important to price your items reasonably to begin with, as a fair number of shoppers won't even bother trying to negotiate with you if they feel an item is priced far too high. Also be sure to consider the condition of an item when pricing it. For example, that leather sofa may have cost you $500 when you first bought it, but if it's seen lots of wear and tear, you're probably going to have to let it go for much less.
Be Ready to Interact. Finally, be prepared to interact and negotiate with your buyers. Setting up a table and chair at the entrance of your driveway gives you a great opportunity to greet each shopper as he or she arrives. When it comes to haggling, consider the timing while entertaining offers. You probably don't want to drop your prices too much on the first day of your sale, but for items that are leftover in the final hours, you may need to be a little more open to negotiations if you want your items to sell.
Helpful Hints for Garage Sale Shopping
On the flip side, if you plan on doing any garage sale shopping this summer, be sure to keep a few budget-friendly tips in mind.
Avoid Impulse Purchases. There is no shortage of deals to be found at garage sales, but it's important to have a good idea of what you're looking for when you go into a garage sale and before you make any purchases. Otherwise, you're more likely to spend money on things you don't need simply because they're cheaply priced. When considering the purchase of a garage sale item, ask yourself these important questions:
- How much use will I get out of this?
- Is this something I actually need?
- Will I be upset with myself later if I don't buy this?
Don't Be Afraid to Haggle. Furthermore, don't be afraid to negotiate and haggle, just be reasonable and respectful when doing so. The last thing you want to do is offend somebody that you're trying to buy something from by offering them significantly less than the item is worth. Also keep in mind that sellers are generally more open to haggling on the last day of the sale, as this is when they are most likely to be left with items they may have a hard time selling otherwise.
For buyers and sellers alike, garage sales can be one of the best parts of summer! Whether you're looking to host one of your own or prefer to shop garage sales in your neighborhood, be sure to keep these tips and tricks in mind.