When you’re feeling stressed by what’s happening at your job, with your family or in the world today, what makes you feel better? For many, shopping can become a source of comfort in times of emotional stress. In fact, there is a name given to this: “retail therapy.” Is there really anything wrong with using shopping as a way to soothe your emotions? Let us explore some of the dangers of retail therapy.

Dangers of Retail Therapy

You May Spend More When You’re Stressed - If you’re feeling good, you’re likely to go to the mall and just buy what you’re after. However, in stressful times it is common to pick up more items to try to make yourself feel better. You are much more likely to spend more than you planned when you shop during times of stress.
It’s Easy to Fall Into the Debt Trap - One of the things that makes retail therapy so easy today is one of the biggest dangers--credit. Many stores, online and brick and mortar, offer easy access to credit. Plus, most of us have at least one credit card in our wallet. When you are using credit, spending money feels “less real.” However, the bills that arrive at the end of the month certainly are.
Emotional Shopping Leads to Hoarding - If you’re shopping every time you get upset, you can wind up with more “stuff” than you know what to do with. People who shop due to emotional stress can easily fall into hoarding patterns too.
Retail Therapy Can Harm Relationships - When you run up hundreds of dollars in debt or spend your whole tax refund on a shopping trip, it only makes sense that your spouse or partner might get upset. Just like alcoholism, compulsive shopping or even too much retail therapy can break up even strong marriages.
As you can see, emotional shopping or “retail therapy” can have long-lasting impacts that may, in fact, cause further emotional stress on you and your family. Before you head to the mall (or add too many items to your online shopping cart) make sure you are mindful of the effects that emotional shopping can have. Perhaps a brisk walk or an evening of binge-watching a favorite television show would be a better way to burn off a little steam. Or, if you are suffering from severe emotional trauma, connecting with a professional can not only help you work towards recovery, but it may even save your finances too.