How to To Stop The Stress

Written by Century Marketing | April 03, 2017

Next time you feel on edge remember that there are ways you can calm down to regain peace of mind.

Control Your Breathing. According to best-selling author and whole-body health proponent Dr. Andrew Weil, “4-7-8 breathing” can help calm you down quickly. To try this technique, place your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth and hold it there throughout the exercise. Exhale completely. Close your mouth and count to four while inhaling through the nose. Hold the breath for seven counts. Then, let the breath go out through the mouth for a count of eight. Repeat the cycle three more times.

Slow Down. Practicing yoga or other stretch-based exercising, in combination with “mindful breathing” has been proven to slow heart rate and calm the body.

Spend Time With A Pet. Spend time with a special animal friend when your mood needs a boost. Look at the world through their eyes. You will most certainly find yourself smiling!

Listen To Music. Put on your favorite song and dance to the beat. Even if you prefer soothing classical music, listening to any kind of tune that uplifts your spirits can make a difference in your outlook.

Meditate. Find a quiet place and about 10 minutes all to yourself at the beginning or end of the day. Unplug all of your technological devices and try your best to avoid or limit any other interruptions. Try to sit by yourself, pay attention to your breathing and observe your thoughts.

Change Your Perspective. Many of us are our own worst critics. Consider turning negative self-talk around to a more positive message. For example, take time to stop and evaluate your thinking periodically during the day. If you find that your thoughts are mainly negative, think of ways to put a positive spin on them. A good rule to follow would be to not say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to anyone else.