Building Good Habits Before You Buy a Gym Membership

Written by Century Marketing | January 03, 2020

If you're headed into the new year with new fitness goals, you're not alone. But before you go out and sign up for a gym membership starting January 1st, make sure you have the kind of fitness habits you need to succeed. That can save you a lot of money, and help justify the cost of a membership to your local gym. Remember, if you don't go there enough to get your money's worth, it's really not a good deal. When you have good fitness habits and a workout regimen before purchasing a gym membership, you'll get a lot more benefit. It's a good idea to keep that regiment for a while, too, so it's truly a habit.

Want to get a good fitness regimen started before you head to the gym? Here are some great exercises you can do indoors in the winter months. By taking the time to learn these and do them on a set schedule for a few weeks or months, you'll have a fitness habit already established. Then, going to the gym will just be a natural extension of that. You'll get value from your gym membership, and you'll also be more comfortable exercising, so you won't feel out of place. These exercises don't have to be that hard to do in order to get you started and motivated. You can raise the degree of difficulty as you get more comfortable.

Don't Underestimate the Benefits of Yoga
A lot of people discount yoga and think it's only stretching. But there's much more to yoga than just that. It can be easy or difficult, depending on your skill level and the positions you choose to work on. It's also relaxing, and you can do it just about anywhere in your home. It's the perfect winter exercise and a great way to get started on building a fitness routine. You'll get a good idea of what your body can do easily, and what you might need or want to work on. You can also consider online yoga classes, so you can get the poses and postures just right as you get started on your fitness journey this winter.

Bodyweight Exercises are Challenging and Effective
Doing exercises that just use your bodyweight, which is also called doing calisthenics, has been around for years. But it's recently had a resurgence in popularity. You don't need any special equipment to do bodyweight exercises, such as leg lifts, squats, lunges, push-ups, crunches, and planks. You can pick the ones that are right for you, or choose challenging options to build up strength faster. Doing several of these exercises a few times a week will make you stronger throughout the winter months. Then when you join a gym you'll already have an established routine you can easily expand upon.

Keep in mind that there are plenty of other types of exercises, and it all comes down to what you like and what you need or want to work on. Playing with your kids or pets, jumping rope, climbing stairs, doing jumping jacks, choosing an online source for at-home workouts are all great ways to get into a good fitness routine. Those good habits will help you get more value, when you choose a membership to a local gym in the future.