The 'Awesomeness' of Books

Written by Century Marketing | January 04, 2019

If you haven’t delved into a good book lately, you could be cheating yourself out of some great benefits. Reading is still a popular pastime, even with the emergence of the internet and all things digital.

In fact, a recent Pew Research report found that 74% of Americans read a book in the past year. Print books still rule. 67% of Americans have read at least one print book within the previous 12 months.

There’s nothing like feeling those pages between your fingers and inhaling that sweet aroma of a fresh, new book just waiting to take you on a wonderful adventure.

So what benefits can you get from reading? Check out these surprising benefits that reading offers.

Reduces stress. Diving into a great story can help relieve tension and reduce your stress level. It provides a good distraction and draws you away from the cares of the world.

Awesome adventures. A good story can take you to faraway lands and on awesome adventures – all for the price of a book (sometimes even for free!).

Improves your vocabulary. Of course the more you work with words the better you will be at using them. Try keeping a small dictionary near you when you read, which you can use to look up words that aren’t familiar to you.

Better critical thinking skill. When you are working with plots, plot twists and context cues you are using your analytical and critical thinking skills as you strengthen them.

Makes you smarter. Reading non-fiction books can increase your knowledge of certain topics but reading fiction can do that as well. The more you expose yourself to different ideas, cultures, and philosophies, the better rounded (and smarter) you will be.

Improved writing skills. If you are reading regularly, you will naturally write more effectively.

Stimulates you mentally. Reading helps to keep your brain active and your mind sharp. Some studies even suggest that it can slow the progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Better concentration and focus. In a world where everything is so fast paced, books force you to slow down and really digest what you are reading. No multitasking, just you and the book. Over time you’ll enjoy better concentration and focus.

Improves your memory. When you read you have to remember plot lines, characters, and events – and all that goes with that. Reading regularly exercises your memory. The result, much better recall.

Feel more relaxed. Reading brings you to a place where you are more relaxed and peaceful, especially if you are reading calming books.

Haven’t read in a while?

If you haven’t read in a while but would like to start, there are plenty of low cost and even free ways to get back in the game.

  • Visit your local library
  • Start a book club
  • Get some friends together for a book swap
  • Check out a discount book store
  • Join BookFreeSwap
  • Shop at thrift stores
  • Get great book deals on sites like Abebooks (Tip: They are an Ebates store so if you are an Ebates member you can get cash back on all your purchases)
  • Find and release books in the wild with BookCrossing

So, go ahead, pick up a book and jump right in! Print or ebook, you can get a lot out of a great story. Explore different genres. Check out different authors. Find something that speaks to you. But whatever you do, keep on reading.