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This debt relief option is not designed or intended to improve your credit rating or credit history. It is designed to get you out of debt and save you money. As you begin the program, it’s typical to see a negative impact on your credit rating due to missed payments. However, as we negotiate structured deals with your creditors and resolve your enrolled accounts, your buying power (not credit rating) will increase and your stress level should lower. Long term, once you complete your program and reduce your debts, you will be in a better position to rebuild your credit.

Often there is a short-term impact which may include seeing your credit rating decrease, but remember the primary goal of this program is to assist you in achieving better financial health.  While you are enrolled on the Century program, you are reducing your debt balances in a very strategic timeframe, and the good news is we can move as fast as the resources you provide!  So, the faster we can resolve these accounts the easier it will be for you to restore your credit.



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